Jan 08

第二张限量CD,Gregg Araki的新影片

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我的第二张限量CD是 Moteer 发行的CD5,The Declining Winter 的五个混音。限量200张,我的编号是187。下一个目标是Televise二月份即将出版的 Secret Valentine,限量100张。

还有就是拿到了Gregg Araki的新片Smiley Face。还没看,快进听了一下原声,和Araki先前的趣味已是天壤之别。他应该是在从良的康庄大道上飞奔着了。

Sep 07


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… I wish there was some way for us to go back and undo the past. But there wasn’t. There was nothing we could do. So I just stayed silent and trying to telepathically communicate how sorry I was about what had happened. And I thought of all the grief and sadness and f***ed up suffering in the world, and it made me want to escape. I wished with all my heart that we could just leave this world behind. Rise like two angels in the night and magically… disappear.
Oct 06

我听过我写过 (6) 梦之重构

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【人】Robin Guthrie & Harold Budd
【物】Mysterious Skin Soundtrack
【发行】Commotion Records

这个电影原声不知听过多少遍了。第一首Neil’s Theme的吉他延时一响起,我就立即陷入一种安静、恍惚的状态。如果梦境真的可以被重建,那么Robin Guthrie的delay效果和Harold Budd的键盘一定必不可少。这种轻浅、舒展和迷幻的氛围就像电影里主人公少年时在寒夜中轻轻吐出的雾气,以及雪花静静飘落时天幕中微蓝的光。你有过这种体验吗?小时候走夜路,总觉得四周有微微的光和小小的声响,有时是嗡嗡嗡的,有时好像又变成一个很美很柔软的旋律。而这个唱片就抓住了寒夜中所有轻微的移动和它们发出的细小的声响,比如一片雪花的飘落,一个伫立的背影,或者一道目光。然后把他们抽离出来,变成一些动人的和弦和延时效果,还有Harold Budd拿手的环境音乐布局,稀疏的键盘的长音和很简单的节奏。生活里很难真的出现那么多梦幻时刻,所以当这两位大师建立起这般美妙的幻象时,我是多么地沉醉其中。

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…the storm is finally over, the sky wild and exhausted. We went up to the observatory and the gods were with us. They gave us the most beautiful rainbow i've ever seen. I closed my eyes and cried.