Dec 10


观音记 | | Shout (0)

【地点】Tractor Tavern, Seattle

晚上闲着也是闲着,又老远跑去拖拉机酒吧看演出。Low的现场我看过两次,第一次在三年前的芝加哥,当时还有个学艺术的小姑娘跟我一起去看,结果误了她回印第安纳的车,就跟我在UIC闲聊一晚。第二次是去年香槟的独立音乐节,小教堂里的现场别有风味。如今已物是人非,我搬到了西雅图,Low巡演的主题也成了Low plays Christmas songs,毕竟一年到头,唱个圣诞歌曲应应景。

去迟了,观众很多。本来准备在后面凑合看看算了,但三下两下又轻松进入第一排,武艺着实高强。演出很精彩,完全出乎我预料。前半段是乐队正常曲目,后半段是改编的圣诞歌曲。圣诞歌曲演绎得极其动人。非常非常地…… 圣诞。鼓刷悉嗦作响,与贝斯共鸣交相辉映,令人平和又温暖。不知不觉两个多小时过去,竟有些意犹未尽。散场走在周五热闹的大街上,心里还想,是不是今年也来搞个美好的圣诞?


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Dec 07


我念书, 这些人 | | Shout (1)

Caught Lev dancing barefoot at the doorway tonight. The last time I saw him was a few months back when we were both CS173 TAs. We used to have this huge empty office that people barely visit. Lev and I really liked it. He brought his coffee maker, workout kit, and a nice big beanbag to the office and called it home. He would work out and dance in office. A lot. And I was either grading someone else’s homework or doing my own, while he danced along behind my back. What a scene.

Came up to him and said hello. He showed me his new iPod, bitching about its price and how he got himself into it. He’s back to Israel in two days. “Have fun at home.” I said. Damn. As if it were not obvious enough. This guy’s having fun anytime anywhere.

“Sure, and you too…in the lab.” We both burst out laughing.

And I will.

I look out the glass wall on the third floor of Siebel Center. Christmas is sparkling on every snow covered lawn. For the first time in months did I feel the coming of winter.

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…the storm is finally over, the sky wild and exhausted. We went up to the observatory and the gods were with us. They gave us the most beautiful rainbow i've ever seen. I closed my eyes and cried.